German Lessons

German Lessons

in Zug
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We offer essential German lessons for our English-Speaking Community in Zug, Switzerland.

Take a Free German Lesson to find out how it works for you.

Many people living in Switzerland would like to learn German.  We offer to anybody a very simple way to learn German.

  • Step by Step
  • Individual levels
Actually we offer 3 different levels.
    • Novice (no German Word)
    • Beginner
    • Advanced Beginner (almost 100 German words)
We have good experience in supporting language skills relevant to Swiss residence permits.

Regular lessons will actually be delivered in Zug at the Chamerstrasse 79.  

Claim for a free "Essential German Lesson" in Zug.

Enjoy your new ability.

Success Story

"Mrs. Monika Biederstädt has helped me improve my German language skills at a faster rate than I have ever before experienced. Based on a student's needs and level, she tailors the curriculum and the lessons accordingly.

Monika is excellent at identifying areas of confusion that can easily arise and tackles them as they come, again with a tailored approach, enabling a much faster learning experience than other teachers that follow a set curriculum.

As a professional working in the medical technology industry in Zug, our lessons are sometimes focussed around a project at work, which has helped me immensely professionally and enabled me to confidently have meetings in German.

I can only highly recommend Monika if you are looking for a professional, flexible and highly skilled German language teacher.

H. F.
Vice President Commercial Development"

IN ZUG      copyright 2020-2025  
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